SL14171C Logarithmic Periodic Directional Antenna
Frequency range (MHz) 698 - 960 1710 - 2700
Polarization Vertical
VSWR ≤ 1.8 (698 - 800 MHz)
≤ 1.5 (800 - 960 MHz) < 1.5
Gain (dBi) Approx.9.0 Approx.10.0
Horizontal half-power beam width (°) 85±15(698 - 800 MHz)
80±15(800 - 960 MHz) 70±15
Vertical half-power beam width(°) 55 50
Front to back ratio (dB) ≥ 15 ≥ 15
PIM, 3rd Order (dBc) ≤-140(2*33dBm)
Average power, maximum (W) 50
Impedance (Ω) 50
Grounding DC Ground
In dense modern cities, it often benefits the average individual to utilize a 5G directional antenna due to its improved strength and ability to tune into many more signal relationships than the standard 2G version. A typical antenna will capture some strong signals from a given direction and transmit those strengths outwards. However, the best antennas will also be able to transmit signals from an almost any direction at all. For instance, a person on a rural landline could receive strong signals from all sides of the country while someone living in a very urban area could get nearly complete domination of the digital airwaves even with only a single antenna. This is due to the fact that a 5G antenna can cover a greater distance than a conventional antenna could.
A typical installation of a 5g directional antenna will consist of two or more antennas connected by a single transmitters and receivers with a dedicated transmit and receive unit. A conventional 2g model may also be connected to a station by means of an antenna that could cover only one side of the country, but a 5g model will allow for more breadth and coverage. Because a 5g omni directional antenna will transmit and receive signals equally in all directions, there is a better chance of getting a stronger signal no matter where the signal comes from. In densely populated metropolitan areas, however, a 5g antenna omnidirectionally installed could prove extremely valuable.
If you are interested in acquiring a directional antenna to place on you home, the first you need to determine what type of reception needs. For example, when you live in an area that receives minimal broadcast signals such as AM, FM and CD frequencies will not benefit from using a 5g model. As a matter of fact, a person living in this type of situation would do best with a conventional 2g model. If purpose is in receiving strong signals from all types of media, they should purchase a 5g mimo directional antenna. A mimo directional antenna is a perfect example of a directional antenna, as it can receive signals from a variety of sources, including traditional broadcast transmitters.
When purchasing a 5g antenna, it must also consider the advantage of antenna devices that it can be flexible and cost effective, while a media-blogger can be used for a broader range of purposes, such as broadcasting news, podcasts and television shows among other things. For individuals who are interested in a little extra mobility, they may want to look into purchasing an omni-directional antenna that will cover both radio and television bands. These are the most commonly found directional antenna models, as well as ones that are considered to be the most powerful, due to their ability to adjust their strength to better match the needs of the user.
With a little research, a person will eventually be able to find the best antenna for their specific needs.The newer 5g directional antennas are gaining more popularity than ever, and many users are finding that these antennas are perfect for their every day usage. They are incredibly lightweight, simple to install, and very effective in any location where there may be interference from other devices. For people who need to increase the effectiveness of their signal and make sure that they receive clear signals from multiple sources, there is no better solution than using a 5g directional antenna.
So, if you are looking for a directional antenna to increase the power and reception of your signal, then you will definitely want to consider one of the directional ones. Just make sure that you carefully take into consideration the amount of power that is available to you, depending on whether you need them for a commercial or personal situation. Also take into account what the directional antenna looks like, as well as its strength. Remember that there is no reason why you should purchase something that does not match your needs.