In Building Antennas Components, Wall Mount Antenna

SL15943L MIMO Wall Mount Antenna

Port Port1 Port2
Frequency range (MHz) 698 - 960 1710 - 2700 698 - 960 1710 - 2700
Polarization ±45° ±45° VSWR ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5
Gain (dBi) 7±1 8±1.5 7±1 8±1.5
Horizontal half-power beam width (°) 70 ± 15 70 ± 15
Vertical half-power beam width (°) 70 ± 15 70 ± 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB) ≥15 ≥15
Isolation (dB) ≥20 ≥20
PIM, 3rd Order (dBc) ≤ -153 (2 x 43 dBm carrier)
Average power, maximum (W) 50
Impedance (Ω) 50
Grounding DC Ground

  • Description

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